03/24/25: The Township EMAIL system is currently down. Please contact us by phone.
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
03/24/25: The Township EMAIL system is currently down. Please contact us by phone.
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Stormwater is the runoff water after it rains or snows. Stormwater picks up litter, sand, bacteria, and chemicals as it flows over the land and into storm drains, and it carries these pollutants to our streams, ponds, wetlands and coastal waters. Please see our updates highlighted below.
The stormwater educational materials for this year’s MCM 1 MS4 requirements for Londonderry Township can be viewed below.
The EPA defines an illicit discharge as ‘any discharge to an MS4 (Stormwater System) that is not composed entirely of stormwater. The Township encourages residents to report any illicit discharges or water quality complaints to Township staff. Some examples of reportable activities include:
If you witness an illicit discharge into the municipal storm sewer system, please call 610.869.2138 and provide the following:
If you are calling after normal business hours, please leave a detailed message. You may also submit a written summary to the municipal office that contains the information above.
Chester Conservation District website (https://www.chesco.org/284/ErosionStormwater).
EPA Stormwater website (https://www.epa.gov/npdes/npdes-stormwater-program)
PADEP Stormwater website (https://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Water/CleanWater/StormwaterMgmt/Pages/default.aspx)
Londonderry Township
Annual Public Storm Water Program Update
If you wish to review an electronic or hard copy the Township’s annual storm water reports(s), please contact the township office.