03/24/25: The Township EMAIL system is currently down. Please contact us by phone.
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
03/24/25: The Township EMAIL system is currently down. Please contact us by phone.
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
All meetings will take place at the township building in the meeting room.
Tuesday March 11th at 7:30 PM -
Meeting Agenda is available below.
Board of Supervisors
2nd Tuesday of the month (BOS 1) meets at 7:30 PM in the Township Municipal Building. 4th Monday of the month (BOS II) will meet on an AS REQUIRED basis at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Building.
Planning Commission
3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Township Municipal Building.
Task Force Meeting
Meets immediately after Planning Commission Meeting concludes (at 8:00 PM approximately). If the Planning Commission meeting is cancelled, so too is the Task Force meeting.
Open Space Committee
Meets "as required" on 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM at the Londonderry Township Municipal Building.
At least one (1) week prior to a meeting the Chairman will notify Committee Members, Supervisors, and the Township Secretary, by email, if the meeting is cancelled.
Historical Committee
4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Londonderry Township Municipal Building.
Generally the Historical Committee does NOT meet during the months of June, July, August and December.
2025 BOS I Public Agenda 03-11-2025 (pdf)