Did you remember to spring ahead?
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Did you remember to spring ahead?
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Phone: (610) 869-2138
Londonderry Township is currently developing the park facilities that have been visioned in their recent Comprehensive Plan.
Click here for a New Dalesville Park Stewardship Report compiled by the Natural Lands Trust.
This 7-acre facility is part of the municipal building complex. A full-size soccer field is available. We ask that community groups that wish to use the field on a regular basis please contact the township office. The township will post a schedule listing when the field is reserved. In that way users can schedule their activity accordingly.
Parking is available at the township building. Please park parallel to Fieldstone Drive. Please refrain from parking on the grass berms around the perimeter of the park.
Bathroom facilities are provided by a port-a-pot during the outdoor seasons.
Located along the east branch of the Big Elk Creek, on the western boundary of the Barnsgate subdivision, the East Elk Nature Preserve is a passive recreation opportunity for township residents their friends, and their community. This land was dedicated to the township through the "fee in lieu of" portion of our township code. The township EAC (Environmental Advisory Council) restored the area to its present condition with funds from a Growing Greener grant, and help from Octorara School students, Boy Scout Troop 63, and township residents from 2002 to 2004. A large family of beavers felled many large trees, built two large dams, and ravaged much of the shrubs and small trees. The area was flooded for two years until Hurricane Floyd flushed out the dams. Invasive plants took root in the open woodland, and remaining trees died after their root systems had been suffocated by the floodwaters. During the grant, students monitored the health of the stream by learning to study macro-invertebrates, testing the water, and plotting a stream profile. Scouts and residents participated in three different tree planting days. Part of the area is still maintained as a hay field . A notebook of the restoration process with pictures and the grant information is available at the township building.
Limited parking for the Nature Preserve is available in the cul-de-sac in Meadowood Court. A path through a tree-lined easement between 23 and 24 Meadowood Court provides the access to the trails along and across the stream. There is a kiosk in the nature preserve, built by the Octorara High School Students.
Londonderry Township has visioned an interconnected trail system to provide our residents with a walkable community. This concept is described in the new Comprehensive Plan. Part of the vision is for the community to walk or bike to our recreation areas and leave their cars at home. Activate Chester County is a concept generated from the Activate America concept to provide a walking community to address health and recreation needs of our population.
Some of the trails are in place at the New Daleville and Country Walk subdivisions
Anyone violating these regulations shall be considered to have been notified of misuse of municipal property and that they have been given notice of being removed from the property and are therefore guilty of trespass, subject to prosecution as may be applicable under the law.
To protect the Londonderry Township public spaces against harmful acts of those who would deliberately, or without awareness, engage in activities detrimental to the public good. To make possible the fullest enjoyment of those who choose to use the park properties for recreational activities.